I live in Marietta, GA. You can email me, text or call at (773) 368-3793 (please leave a message if I do not answer) or contact me via Twitter or Facebook.
You can also directly schedule a meeting with my online scheduler.
How Do I Get Started
To get started, you just have to schedule an initial meeting. Call, text, or email and set up a meeting. Meetings can be done in person or via Zoom. The first meeting will mostly be about getting to know one another. After the first meeting (or at any time), you do not have to continue if you get a sense that this will not be helpful.
There will be time for you to ask questions and get to know me, but I will ask questions about your spiritual history. Did you go to church as a kid? What are common ways you experience God? What is prayer like for you? How would you describe God? There are no right answers, the point is to get to know you and your spiritual history and orientation so that we can listen to God together.